AUSTRALIA DAY REGATTA 10:00am - 1:00pm
Calling all members prepared to commit to crewing for MRRC at the upcoming Australia Day Regatta. You don't have to be a seasoned rower. You actually don't have to be a rower at all! But we need two crews of 4 and 2 coxswain to represent us. The round robin event will be part of what is becoming an annual occurence at our Australia Day celebration. The Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club (who, secretly we actually really like) will once again be bringing their St Ayles Skiffs down for a bit of fun racing on the river. And this year Augusta Rowing Club will be joining us as well. I'm sure that those of you that have been a part of previous year's events will attest to how much fun it is, and that pretty much any adult can do it! So, get some friends together, or just sign up yourself for a guarenteed great event. This year there is even going to be a trophy!!
SATURDAY PRACTICE 4:00pm - 6:00pm
There will be an opportunity for crew to have a practice on the Saturday afternoon prior to the Australia Day event itself. So you'll be experts by Sunday! hahaha
Be Brave! You know you want to!